
class tensornetwork.ChargeArray(data: numpy.ndarray, charges: List[tensornetwork.block_sparse.charge.BaseCharge], flows: Union[numpy.ndarray, List[bool]], order: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, check_consistency: Optional[bool] = False)

Base class for BlockSparseTensor. Stores a dense tensor together with its charge data. Attributes: * _charges: A list of BaseCharge objects, one for each leg of the tensor. * _flows: An np.ndarray of boolean dtype, storing the flow direction of each

  • data: A flat np.ndarray storing the actual tensor data.
  • _order: A list of list, storing information on how tensor legs are transposed.
__init__(data: numpy.ndarray, charges: List[tensornetwork.block_sparse.charge.BaseCharge], flows: Union[numpy.ndarray, List[bool]], order: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, check_consistency: Optional[bool] = False) → None

Initialize a ChargeArray object. len(data) has to be equal to np.prod([c.dim for c in charges]).

  • data – An np.ndarray of the data.
  • charges – A list of BaseCharge objects.
  • flows – The flows of the tensor indices, False for inflowing, True for outflowing.
  • order – An optional order argument, determining the shape and order of the tensor.
  • check_consistency – Perform error checks at initialization.


__init__(data, charges, flows, List[bool]], …) Initialize a ChargeArray object.
conj() Complex conjugate operation.
random(indices, …) Initialize a random ChargeArray object with data from a random uniform distribution.
reshape(shape, int]]) Reshape tensor into shape.`ChargeArray.reshape works the same as the dense version, with the notable exception that the tensor can only be reshaped into a form compatible with its elementary shape.
todense() Map the sparse tensor to dense storage.
transpose(order, 0]), shuffle) Transpose the tensor into the new order order.


charges A list of list of BaseCharge.
dtype The dtype of ChargeArray.
flat_order The flattened ChargeArray._oder.
flows A list of list of bool.
ndim The number of tensor dimensions.
shape The dense shape of the tensor.
sparse_shape The sparse shape of the tensor.

A list of list of BaseCharge. The charges, in the current shape and index order as determined by ChargeArray._order. :returns: List of List of BaseCharge

conj() → tensornetwork.block_sparse.blocksparsetensor.ChargeArray

Complex conjugate operation. :returns: The conjugated tensor :rtype: ChargeArray

contiguous() → tensornetwork.block_sparse.blocksparsetensor.ChargeArray

Transpose the tensor data such that the linear order of the elements in ChargeArray.data corresponds to the current order of tensor indices. Consider a tensor with current order given by _order=[[1,2],[3],[0]], i.e. data was initialized according to order [0,1,2,3], and the tensor has since been reshaped and transposed. The linear order of data does not match the desired order [1,2,3,0] of the tensor. contiguous fixes this by permuting data into this order, transposing _charges and _flows, and changing _order to [[0,1],[2],[3]].


The dtype of ChargeArray.


The flattened ChargeArray._oder.


A list of list of bool. The flows, in the current shape and index order as determined by ChargeArray._order. :returns: List of List of bool


The number of tensor dimensions.

classmethod random(indices: Union[Tuple[tensornetwork.block_sparse.index.Index], List[tensornetwork.block_sparse.index.Index]], boundaries: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = (0.0, 1.0), dtype: Optional[Type[numpy.number]] = None) → tensornetwork.block_sparse.blocksparsetensor.ChargeArray

Initialize a random ChargeArray object with data from a random uniform distribution. :param indices: List of Index objects. :param boundaries: Tuple of interval boundaries for the random uniform

Parameters:dtype – An optional numpy dtype. The dtype of the ChargeArray
reshape(shape: Sequence[Union[tensornetwork.block_sparse.index.Index, int]]) → tensornetwork.block_sparse.blocksparsetensor.ChargeArray

Reshape tensor into shape. `ChargeArray.reshape works the same as the dense version, with the notable exception that the tensor can only be reshaped into a form compatible with its elementary shape. The elementary shape is the shape determined by ChargeArray._charges. For example, while the following reshaping is possible for regular dense numpy tensor, ` A = np.random.rand(6,6,6) np.reshape(A, (2,3,6,6)) ` the same code for ChargeArray ` q1 = U1Charge(np.random.randint(0,10,6)) q2 = U1Charge(np.random.randint(0,10,6)) q3 = U1Charge(np.random.randint(0,10,6)) i1 = Index(charges=q1,flow=False) i2 = Index(charges=q2,flow=True) i3 = Index(charges=q3,flow=False) A=ChargeArray.randn(indices=[i1,i2,i3]) print(A.shape) #prints (6,6,6) A.reshape((2,3,6,6)) #raises ValueError ` raises a ValueError since (2,3,6,6) is incompatible with the elementary shape (6,6,6) of the tensor.

  • tensor – A symmetric tensor.
  • shape – The new shape. Can either be a list of Index or a list of int.

A new tensor reshaped into shape

Return type:



The dense shape of the tensor. :returns: A tuple of int. :rtype: Tuple


The dense size of the tensor, i.e. the total number of elements, including those which are zero by conservation of charge. :returns: The total number of elements. :rtype: int


The sparse shape of the tensor. :returns: A tuple of Index objects. :rtype: Tuple

todense() → numpy.ndarray

Map the sparse tensor to dense storage.

transpose(order: Sequence[int] = array([1, 0]), shuffle: Optional[bool] = False) → tensornetwork.block_sparse.blocksparsetensor.ChargeArray

Transpose the tensor into the new order order. If shuffle=False no data-reshuffling is done. :param order: The new order of indices. :param shuffle: If True, reshuffle data.

Returns:The transposed tensor.
Return type:ChargeArray